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This is a place where you can find each and every thing about the crop that you want to grow.

    Name : RiceSpan : 90-110 days
    Type : Kharif/winterWater Required for crop : 4000-5000 per kg
    Pesticides : fungicides, herbicides, insecticides.Pests/dieseases : Planthoppers and Leafhoppers
    Quantity demanded of rice : 51 million tons per year.Maximum price of Rice : 5400.00 INR/Quinta
    Chance of getting Profit: 59%Chance of getting Loss : 41%;
    Name : WheatSpan : 360 days
    Type : Winter and spring wheat Water Required for crop : 2731 m3 to 3760m3 water per hectare
    Pesticides : organochlorines, organophosphates, and synthetic pyrethroidsPests/dieseases : Wheat midges, Hessian Fly, Wheat Stem Sawfly, Thrips, Aphids, Cutworms, Armyworms, Cereal Leaf Beetle, Helicoverpa species, and Mites.
    Quantity demanded of Wheat : 778 million metric tonsMaximum price of Wheat : 270.5 per KG
    Chance of getting Profit: 60%Chance of getting Loss : 40%;
    Green gram
    Name :GreengramSpan : 20-30 post 9wing
    Type : Kharif / Summer Water Required for crop : 300-400nm
    Pesticides : diafenthiuron 50 wp @ 240 gm per acre 200 liters of water or acetamiprid 20 sp @ 40 gm per 200 liters of water. Pests/dieseases : pod borers, stem borers, leaf miners, foliage caterpillars, cutworms, jassids, aphids and whiteflies
    Quantity demanded of greengram : 220.5 lakh tonsMaximum price of greengram :500 per Quinta
    Chance of getting Profit: 74%Chance of getting Loss : 26%;
    Name :TomatoSpan : 90-150
    Type : Autumn / Spring Summer Water Required for crop : 400-600nm
    Pesticides : diafenthiuron 50 wp @ 240 gm per acre 200 liters of water or acetamiprid 20 sp @ 40 gm per 200 liters of water. Pests/dieseases : pod borers, stem borers, leaf miners, foliage caterpillars, cutworms, jassids, aphids and whiteflies
    Quantity demanded of Tomato : 220.5 lakh tonsMaximum price of Tomato :500 per Quinta
    Chance of getting Profit: 74%Chance of getting Loss : 26%;
    Name :BrinjalSpan : 90-150
    Type : Autumn / Spring Summer Water Required for crop : 400-600nm
    Pesticides : diafenthiuron 50 wp @ 240 gm per acre 200 liters of water or acetamiprid 20 sp @ 40 gm per 200 liters of water. Pests/dieseases : pod borers, stem borers, leaf miners, foliage caterpillars, cutworms, jassids, aphids and whiteflies
    Quantity demanded of Brinjal : 220.5 lakh tonsMaximum price of Brinjal :500 per Quinta
    Chance of getting Profit: 74%Chance of getting Loss : 26%;
    Name :LadysFingerSpan : 90-150
    Type : Autumn / Spring Summer Water Required for crop : 400-600nm
    Pesticides : diafenthiuron 50 wp @ 240 gm per acre 200 liters of water or acetamiprid 20 sp @ 40 gm per 200 liters of water. Pests/dieseases : pod borers, stem borers, leaf miners, foliage caterpillars, cutworms, jassids, aphids and whiteflies
    Quantity demanded of LadysFinger : 220.5 lakh tonsMaximum price of LadysFinger :500 per Quinta
    Chance of getting Profit: 74%Chance of getting Loss : 26%;
    Name :RadishSpan : 90-150
    Type : Autumn / Spring Summer Water Required for crop : 400-600nm
    Pesticides : diafenthiuron 50 wp @ 240 gm per acre 200 liters of water or acetamiprid 20 sp @ 40 gm per 200 liters of water. Pests/dieseases : pod borers, stem borers, leaf miners, foliage caterpillars, cutworms, jassids, aphids and whiteflies
    Quantity demanded of Radish: 220.5 lakh tonsMaximum price of Radish :500 per Quinta
    Chance of getting Profit: 74%Chance of getting Loss : 26%;